Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ups and Downs

It's been an off week for my running. Saturday, as usual, got started with a nice long run. It took about 30 minutes to get into my groove, but from there I cruised right along. There was some confusion as to the route so I ended up going farther than we were supposed to, and ended up at around 13 miles. I think my knees knew that we'd gone too far, as they were rather vocal in their hatred of me in the last mile.

Did I mention that I had a 12:30 flight to catch that day? Yes.... so finish running, little bit of stretching, race back home, 10 minute soak in my parents' pool (which during this time of year, qualifies as an ice bath), then its racing against the clock to get back to the airport. I swear I set a landspeed record in getting myself ready. Out the door, in the car, and on the way back to Monterey by 11. Perfect.

(Sidenote: Driving back through Sand City, I saw Patti and Michelle from our walk team finishing up their mileage... those walkers have some incredible endurance!)

So lesson for the day: If you ever have a really strenuous workout, getting on a cross-country flight is not the way you want to spend the rest of the day. Trust me. By the time I arrived in DC, my knees were screaming and it was all I could do to lug my bags to the taxi. The taxi that dropped our group off at the wrong hotel. At 11 pm. Oh, it had been a good day. A picture's worth a thousand words, so here is how I spent St. Patrick's Day, in Washington DC:

Thrilling Saturday night, no?

I'm finally back home after a whirlwind four days in DC... this was the last trip for a while so it will be nice to settle down and focus on the training. Traveling can really mess with the schedule, and this week has been no exception. The knees are FINALLY feeling better... got a couple miles and some yoga in last night - today the schedule calls for 6-8 miles so I'll head to the coast and hope for the best. Gotta get back on that horse sometime, no matter how rough the past few days have been.
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